A honlapon használt sütik beállítása
Legal Notice
Information and notice for the visitors/users of the website
Dear Visitor / User,
Please, read the following notice carefully!
We hereby inform you that the homepages available at www.mbhjelzalogbank.hu and www.mbhmortgagebank.hu internet addresses (hereinafter referred to as: Homepage) are the Homepages of MBH Jelzálogbank Nyrt. (hereinafter also referred to as MBH Mortgage Bank) which operates as a member of the Group.
Before viewing the Homepage of MBH Jelzálogbank Nyrt. please, read the following Legal Notice carefully!
By opening our Homepage you consent to the terms and conditions listed and detailed below, as well as the contents of the documents connected to this notice, and you accept them for yourself as binding. By visiting and starting to use the Homepage you fully accept the following terms and conditions. The aim of MBH Mortgage Bank's Homepage is to make it easier for the public to access information on MBH Mortgage Bank, its activities and services.
If you do not agree with our terms and conditions, please, do not open our webpages!
The content of the Homepage
MBH Mortgage Bank shall regularly check and update information on the Homepage. Information, data, terms and conditions, definitions or descriptions published on the Homepage – not including the case when MBH Mortgage Bank fulfils its statutory disclosure obligations on the Homepage – serve only the purpose of giving information and the usage of such information shall exclusively take place at the user's own responsibility. Although MBH Mortgage Bank takes all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of such information and it strives to update it continuously, information and data may change over time.
The effective terms and conditions of financial and auxiliary financial services offered by MBH Mortgage Bank are described in the General Terms and Conditions and Notices accessible at the branch offices of MBH Bank or from the Homepage.
It is not the aim of the Homepage to give financial advice to you or others. Information on the webpages of the Homepage or any elements thereof do not provide a sufficient basis for making any financial decisions. Data and information on the Homepage are used at the responsibility of the Visitor/User.
Before making a financial decision, in order to become familiar with the detailed, accurate and up-to-date information and
terms and conditions, please, contact any of the branch offices of MBH Mortgage Bank or call +36 1 311 311 0, where in the
framework of the TeleBank service our colleagues are happy to help you 24 hours a day.
MBH Mortgage Bank shall not take any responsibility for any direct or indirect damages, costs and/or losses resulting from the fact that the content of the Homepage may be inaccurate or incomplete, nor the fact that it is only for informational purposes, nor any damages incurred by business decisions based on or taken based on information on the Homepage.
MBH Mortgage Bank shall not take responsibility for any possible damages, losses and/or costs resulting in connection with the Homepage, its usage, its unusable condition, its inappropriate functioning, deficiency, error, malfunction, breakdown of the line or of the system, viruses contained in it, delay in its forwarding of information, or any other error of the data forwarding route; nor for any business decisions or legal transactions taken based on the information on the Homepage, or by any unauthorised change of the data by anyone.
The Homepage can be visited freely, without any limitations, and without the need to provide any kind of personal data or information. MBH Mortgage Bank does not ask the visitor to provide any kind of personal codes (e.g. PIN or TPIN) or any card details on the Homepage – except when using the NetBank service of MBH Bank. MBH Mortgage Bank shall not take any kind of responsibility for the provision of such data.
MBH Mortgage Bank does not check information on the webpages of partner companies accessible through the links on the Homepage,
and it shall not take any responsibility for their accessibility and substantive accuracy.
Usage of the Homepage requiring registration
The usage of certain parts and functions of the Homepage requires registration with MBH Bank. The Homepage requiring registration can only be used by Users with their own ID and password. A confidential management of the user's account data (ID and password) is the responsibility of the User.
Users can use their ID and password exclusively in their own name, and without the permission of MBH Bank it is strictly prohibited
to provide such data to third parties. The User shall take liability for any damages caused by the usage of the User's user
account data by an unauthorised third person. MBH Mortgage Bank shall not take any kind of responsibility for any direct
or indirect damages, loss of data, profit loss or the loss of business or good reputation caused by the usage of the User's
user account data by an unauthorised third party.
Data protection
You can find detailed information in connection with the protection and processing of personal data* in the documents titled "TMB General Privacy Policy" and "TAKARÉK GROUP General Privacy Policy", in the menu item titled "Related documents".
*Personal data are data which can be attributed to the data subject – especially knowledge concerning the name, identification
number and one or more pieces of knowledge on the physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of
the data subject – as well as conclusions pertaining to the data subject, which can be drawn from such data.
Information at the Homepage of MBH Mortgage Bank, be it in a textual or multimedia format, like picture or text content, texts, drawings, graphics, emblems, images, audio and video materials, photographs, software and technological descriptions, and also their outline and structure shall fall under the scope of national and international legislation pertaining to copyright, that is such information is covered by intellectual property rights. Therefore their usage in any form (especially their storage, printing out, distribution or transfer) that exceeds personal use is only possible with the preliminary written consent of MBH Mortgage Bank.
Without the previous written consent of MBH Mortgage Bank it is strictly prohibited to partially or wholly distribute or reproduce the content of the Homepage, or to partially or wholly store or print it out to an extent that exceeds personal usage, or to make it accessible for the public.
The HTML-code of the webpages in the Homepage also contains links coming from and pointing to external servers independent from MBH Mortgage Bank. The servers of such external service providers have a direct connection with the user's computer. We kindly draw our Users' attention that due to the direct connection from the providers' servers and a direct communication with the user's browser, the service providers of such links can collect user data. Any personalised content provided for the user are served by external servers. The connection between the servers of external service providers shall extend exclusively to the insertion of the code of the latter, therefore no personal data are handed over or transferred, either.
About the data processing of the servers of external service providers the following data controllers can give detailed information:
The independent measurement and auditing of website traffic and web analytics data is supported by the servers of GoogleAnalytics, as an external provider. This data controller gives detailed information on the processing of measurement data at www.google-analytics.com .
Facebook's "Like" function is ensured in a way that upon loading the webpage the user's computer directly connects to the servers of Facebook, too. About the data controlling practices of Facebook you will find further information at www.facebook.com .
In order to ensure customised service provision external providers install and read back a small data package, a so-called
cookie on the user's computer. If the browser sends back a cookie saved earlier, then the external service provider managing
that given cookie can connect the user's current visit to the user's previous visits, but only in connection with its own
content. The user can delete the cookie from their own computer, and they can block the use of cookies in their own browser.
Cookies can usually be inactivated at the Tools/Settings menu item of a browser, under the settings of data protection, under
the name "cookie".
Content provided by others
MBH Mortgage Bank shall not take any responsibility for content or information created by or published by third parties which are accessible at the Homepage of MBH Mortgage Bank through links.
Tisztelt Ügyfelünk!
Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önt, hogy az MKB Bank Nyrt. és a Takarékbank Zrt. – a Takarékbank Zrt. beolvadásával – 2023. április 30-án egyesült, és az így létrejött kereskedelmi bank, mint a Magyar Bankholding bankcsoport anyabankja 2023. május 1-jétől MBH Bank Nyrt. (a továbbiakban: MBH Bank) név alatt működik tovább.
Tisztelt Ügyfelünk!
Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önt, hogy az MKB Bank Nyrt. és a Takarékbank Zrt. – a Takarékbank Zrt. beolvadásával – 2023. április 30-án egyesült, és az így létrejött kereskedelmi bank, mint a Magyar Bankholding bankcsoport anyabankja 2023. május 1-jétől MBH Bank Nyrt. (a továbbiakban: MBH Bank) név alatt működik tovább.
Tisztelt Ügyfelünk!
Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önt, hogy az MKB Bank Nyrt. és a Takarékbank Zrt. – a Takarékbank Zrt. beolvadásával – 2023. április 30-án egyesült, és az így létrejött kereskedelmi bank, mint a Magyar Bankholding bankcsoport anyabankja 2023. május 1-jétől MBH Bank Nyrt. (a továbbiakban: MBH Bank) név alatt működik tovább.